I'm an elgg newbie and I have a (maybe stupid) Question:
can I change the Duration of the system Messages (see screenshot) to just 1 second? and if yes: where can I edit that?
Thank you so much for helping!!
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- Susan Tsairi@openid_482
Susan Tsairi - 0 likes
- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
- verkraftet@verkraftet
verkraftet - 0 likes
- Chetan Sharma@openminds
Chetan Sharma - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.This answer is from over 500 days ago, not sure if it's still valid
yep ;-)
"pagla" question yara
do a grep on "div class="messages" and you will find the correct code..
Thanks!! it worked!
:) for "pagla"