I am writing a web service (Modifying create user web service ) to modify user settings ( name and password) and profile fields ( Interests and Location) . But it is not working as expected. Could somebody please help me?
1) User settings :-
$ userObj ->name=’Modified Name’;
$ userObj ->save();
I printed $ userObj , it has values what I expected from database . I tried even with entity, but that is also not working.
2) Profile Fields
update_metadata ($userObj->guid, 'Interests', 'Dancing’, '', 0, ACCESS_PUBLIC);
Already ‘Interests‘value is defined .I am just trying to modify it. Even this one not working
Am I missing some basics?
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Thanks Cash for your immediate response. Could you please refer me anything that (or any code) I can use to "log the user in programmatically to the Elgg site"?
I am trying using register_pam_handler to authenticate but since I am using XML-RPC , I am regsitering two handlers register_xmlrpc_handler and other register_pam_handler . I am getting the data from register_xmlrpc_handler method and manually trying to pass the credentials to register_pam_handlerhandler . But not sure this is the way I have to do and any way not woring :( . Tried from http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Engine/Authentication
any ideas on authenticating user using XML-RPC?
I think too much and that eats my lot of time .
I made profile settings update working . here is the code I used
$user_object = authenticate('Myuserid','mypassword');
$result = login($user_object, true);
$user_modify->name='new name'
Never thought so simple :)
But again for metadata update i got struck
using update_metadata method to update the metadata but some how still not working .
I just user this command
update_metadata ($user_modify->guid, 'Interests', 'Dancing', '', 0, ACCESS_PUBLIC);
am I doing some thing wrong ?
Thanks for your help
Thanks a lot every one for your help . I am able to resolve all my issues .
Hi Bujji,
Can you tell me how you could update the custom fields.
Can you provide a sample scode snippet please.
Thanks inadvance,
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