fields set public, default to private


I was wondering if you had looked into this issue.

I just tried it on my MAMP setup and was able to recreate it. it was my test setup, I'll try a clean install in a couple hours. I have most of my fields set to public. But, when you fill out the form they default to private. I'm working my way to the database to try to fix it for now.

  • Yes, sorry, that code has always been broken. I think that replacing the lines:

    $access_options = array(
        '' => elgg_echo('form:use_system_default_access'),
        'PRIVATE' => elgg_echo('ACCESS_PRIVATE'),
        'PUBLIC' => elgg_echo('ACCESS_PUBLIC'),
        'LOGGED_IN' => elgg_echo('ACCESS_LOGGED_IN'),


    in mod/form/views/default/form/forms/manage_fields.php


    $access_options = array_merge(array('' => elgg_echo('form:use_system_default_access')),get_write_access_array());

    should fix the problem. Please tell me if it works for you.

  • I should add that this fix has the effect of showing the admin's access list, including the groups that the admin is a member of. Does not cause any harm since only the admin sees this. But I'm wondering what really should be shown here.

    Any suggestions?

  • Thanks kevin, I'll give it a try in a little while a report back. Thanks

  • This didn't help me. I changed the line. (disabled/enabled the plugin. reset all my field settings, to make sure they were how I wanted them. Setup a new user. Logged in, went to edit. had the wrong access settings. Unless my file is named wrong and is being skipped. I did guess you had a typo in the path/filename above? ....field(s).php 

    Is there a specific table on my live site that I can export and import into my MAMP, to cary over the forms I have on there? I get nervous playing around with stuff that has to do with user info.


Form and related plugins

Form and related plugins

User-generated content, flexible user and group profiles, registration forms, custom file forms