great plugin so far, I'm just getting started with it. looks and functions great in firefox. Iam working in elgg V 1.7.3 at the moment and videos do not display in IE, actually it looks like the player page is having some dificulty loading. Does any body have any advise on where I should start trouble shooting?
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Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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- iionly@iionly
iionly - 0 likes
- phooe@phooe
phooe - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Do you have Adobe's Flash plugin for IE installed? While Chrome, FF, Opera all use the same Flash plugin you have to install the ActiveX version for IE separately.
I will check that out, thanks. Seems there should be a detection script in place to throw a message to update flash.