The error message displays:
We couldn't log you in. This may be because you haven't validated your account yet, the details you supplied were incorrect, or you have made too many incorrect login attempts. Make sure your details are correct and please try again.
Is there a setting for the number of login attempts in Elgg and if so, is there a way to reset it?
Security issues should be reported to!
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- Cash@costelloc
Cash - 0 likes
- Mike@amicableyetti
Mike - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.This message sucks and I plan to rewrite the handling of login failures for 1.8. The code for this is in engine/lib/sessions.php and it is something like 5 failures in 10 minutes.
Thanks. I found it. It's 5 in 5 minutes and it says its temporary.