I have a question for Elgg Devs (Brett, Cash, etc) or anyone that might know.
How can I switch my login from loging with Twitter to normal login. I did originaly (first time) logged in with Twitter but every time Community site gets updated, "Login with Twitter" option has a problem (usually blank screen).
In my profile Settings I did select "No" on "Twitter Profile" option but still can't login normaly ( message says email address not validated) I have to use "Login with Twitter"
What do I need to do in my profile/account Settings to make this happen.
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You must log in to post replies.I just changed my email in account setting and message says "confirm email we just sent" but I'm not receiving confirmation email???
Wonder if I log out will i be able to log in again?
Brett? Cash? anyone?
or this is the bug/issue in "Sign in with Twitter" plugin?
Sorry - I don't know anything about the twitter log in.
Thanks for the response Cash.
Who would know? Who installed/coded it on Community site? Who runs the site? who is the techie guy here? Brett?
The core devs admin the site as time allows. The twitterlogin plugin is in the elgg svn repository with the history here: http://trac.elgg.org/log/plugins/trunk/twitterlogin?action=stop_on_copy&mode=follow_copy&rev=6830&stop_rev=&limit=100
I don't know that the code in the repository is the same that is running on this site (I expect that it is not).
I know that in the move to a new server last week, email has not been configured yet so most or all email is being marked as junk. You should check your junk mail folder to see if that is the issue.