pagehandler.php has disturbed arvixe's servers and causing it to have 40+ percent usage. what could cause this? as i only have like 5 people at a time online on my site? please help!
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I had a similar issue with action_handler.php
Arvixe diabled it because it caused a 9GB error log, yes, that's gigabytes.
I tried upgrading (and caused a whole host of problems today) and 1.7.1 still creates error logs, and that's when no one is using the site.
@jennine Elgg doesn't create error logs. PHP does and you probably have a bad PHP server configuration. Look into setting your error log properly in php.ini.
@Cim You'll need to check your access log. All page requests go through that page. It could be anything from a crawler hitting your site hard, a lot of people using RSS readers, or ??
i'm disabling a couple of plugins for now to see if that'll help.
cash, here's what my error log says
i checked my access log and it's normal, other than google bot doing a GET request frequently.
@Cim - no, check your access log to see if the traffic is a lot higher than you thought. If a crawler is hitting you hard, you won't see that from the Elgg admin interface but it will be in your access log.
Also, you are using the vanilla Elgg widget loading code? It is extremely inefficient and many sites rip out the lazy loading.
as far as traffic, i only get around 5 people logging into my site a day. and no i'm not using the vanilla elgg widget. i do see the google bot on my site today, but not as much as the past few weeks
By vanilla I meant the code that comes with Elgg for loading widgets.
oh you mean the ajax loader?
@cash hmm...what is the proper configuration for elgg then?
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