Recently, I wrote a tutorial on how to add new external pages to Elgg, other than the three comes by default.
Anyone who is interested in expanding the external pages, could go through this.
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Thanks @iionly I just upgraded from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 and using the default tinymce that comes with the system. I updated about us and that is what I got, unfotunetly I can not delete the code or even touch the page code, just can scroll up and down.
@fareed: when editing the page in "normal" mode you don't see these characters. But when you click the "HTML" button (='Edit HTML source") of the tinymce editor, the first paragraph between <p> and </p> should contain the funny characters and you should be able to delete them. Then update the html code, then save the page in the normal editor mode and the characters should be gone.
Why is such a fundamental feature (external pages) not part of the Elgg core? I don't like to add every single new page manually in the PHP code of different files, but like to add it in the administration area. Any plans for this?
External pages are already in core. Enable site pages plugin
I believe Martin wants something like ColdTrick's static plugin, which allows you to add arbitrary pages. My fork (the mrclay branch) has a bunch of changes for Elgg 1.8.
Great, thank you!
Can you tell me how to set a link to "follow" at a external page? I tried to do it in the html-view but it´s always reset after saving.
Gosh, I wish the Admin area had an HTML text box for creating new pages.
This looks very very promissing iionly! Thanks!
With the "anypage" plugin, is it possible to create a page and have a ling in the navbar ?
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