is it possiable to remove "all" from the river dashboard so that members can only see their friends update and post?
its really urgent please help me!!!
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want this too....
Have a look here my123day . User:elgg01 Passw:654321123456 Login with that user and look at my dashboard. I have removed the all tab. Is this what you are looking to do? I have made it to only have the "mine" & "friends" tab. Also after i have removed the "all" tab i saw that it showed all the entries until you clicked on one of the mine or friends tab. So i changed something so it shows nothing until the user clicked on on of the two. It solved the problem of everything showing up even though i got rid of the "all" tab.
Jacque that looks great, how did you do that?
Anyone else here can please get me out of this trouble? i want it urgently! can anyone tell me how to get this just by editting the present riverdashboard plugin!(elgg 1.7.1)
Finally got the Solution guyz!! anyone want to get this contact me !!
@ ibrahim khan can we see how yours looks?
@ bkaufman have a look here
Okay its very easy - modified the riverdashboard mod. 3 things I did.
Fistly head of to elgg/mod/riverdashboard/views/riverdashboard/default/riverdashboard/nav.php There look for a section that they show entries for all entities-"all", "mine" & "friends" I just removed all two occasions were the "all" was and the lines with that.
$allselect = ''; $friendsselect = ''; $mineselect = '';
switch($vars['orient']) {
case '': $allselect = 'class="selected"';
case 'friends': $friendsselect = 'class="selected"';
case 'mine': $mineselect = 'class="selected"';
$friendsselect = ''; $mineselect = '';
switch($vars['orient']) {
case 'mine': $mineselect = 'class="selected"';
case 'friends': $friendsselect = 'class="selected"';
First is done. Now the 2nd thing. Right underneath the first block you edited you will find: Edit the line i underlined:
<div class="contentWrapper">
<div id="elgg_horizontal_tabbed_nav">
<li <?php echo $mineselect; ?> ><a onclick="javascr............
<li <?php echo $friendsselect; ?> ><a onclick="javascri............
i took out onclick= from that line. So you should end up with something like this for that line:
<li <?php echo $mineselect; ?> ><a "javascript:$('#river_container').loa..........
Now the last thing. In elgg/mod/riverdashboard/index.php
Check line 69 (the one i underlined)
switch($orient) {
case 'mine':
$subject_guid = $_SESSION['user']->guid;
$relationship_type = '';
case 'friends': $subject_guid = $_SESSION['user']->guid;
$relationship_type = 'friend';
default: $subject_guid = 0;
$relationship_type = '';
All I did was change 0 to 1 and looks like this:
default: $subject_guid = 1;
Don't know if stetp 2 is necessary as i tried it because even when I removed the "all" tab it still showed all the content in the "mine" field intil you click on one of the 2 tabs. So I tried that so as to show it already not needing to click it to not show "all" the stuff. Then I did the 3rd step and that showed no content before clicking - removing my problem that all showed up still before I actually clicked the mine or frinds tab.
And finished. Please use this at your own risk.I accept no responsibility if anything goes wrong, I am just experiementing but i can confirm that I still did not have any problems caused by this. Make backups before attemting anything! Sure there is a better way but hey it worked for me! ;-)
Enjoy and let me know when you finish so I can have a look ;-)
Hope it works for you and goodluck!
sweet! thanks pal!
No problem - let me know if it works out for you ;-)
the $subject_guid = 0 means all site objects.
@jacque can u first show me how urz look like???
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