Hi, can anyone tell me how to alter the width of the content for the spotligh area? I want to make the LHS wider and RHS slightly narrower.
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- jacque@Jacque31

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- Lewis@lewis_eadg

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- HaplessBob@DavidBobW

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- Lewis@lewis_eadg

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You must log in to post replies.I understand right here? the content and nothing about the spotlight? Then just edit it in an image editing program like PhotoShop the size you want and upload it the spotlight php when your're done and see how it looks.
@HaplessBob, Modify the default CSS file. yoursite/views/default/css.php . There is a spotlight section there. You need to alter the width of the RHS. .spotlightRHS or something like that. Cheers
Hi there :)
what file are you suggesting to edit in photoshop ?
HaPPy ElGGinG :)
Do GooD :)
@Lewis, thanx for the help, but i still can't find the css.php file i need to edit. I'm using elgg 1.7 and running black_pod theme. I keep getting lost in the file structure.....any other pointer i could try?
Are you using elgg's default theme or some other one?
Hi HaplessBob... :)
Dont have that theme but, I think you can have a look in there somewhere -
* = some php file, 'css' or 'default' or smthng may be there... have a look, its how it works :)
HaPPy ElGGinG :)
Do GooD :)
open /mod/the_theme/views/default/...css.php
search in that file for 'Spotlight'
edit the relevant width.