I hope I can explain this clearly enough - it gets rather confusing!
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Cheers, Simon.
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You must log in to post replies.I want also search field values of page.How to do that??
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Any solution?
The client who funded flexfile did not want search definitions (they are intended for profile and custom forms).
I've never tested search definitions with flexfile and in fact did not notice that it was even possible until you mentioned it.
Now that I know that it is I'll look into it when I get a chance as I agree that it would be a useful feature.
And under what circumstances - if using the search definition with profile - would I get the following:
This is even though it is using drop downs and check boxes and I am choosing options where I KNOW that a user fits this. ...Thanks!
(By the way, I keep trying to set the search form to Logged in users and every time I come back in to edit it, it is set to Private (under Access). Now, it may be setting it as Logged in users, but it is not having that selected in the drop down when I view the form for editing.)
Have you upgraded to 1.7.2? Previous versions of 1.7.x had a pulldown bug.
Yes, I am testing on a fresh 1.7.2 stable installation. Everything is vanilla.
to the original poster , you need to pull $object and title-> into the river , I have converted it into a database for users to uploads files , it displays correctly inline in the river and shows entered title text in the display options , my problem is that when I create a second / new form it does not pull the title correctly .