I want to modify the default "user search via tag" so that it can search in a customized way. Now I go to mod/members/index.php and trying to study the code at this file. I can find "$sidebar = elgg_view("members/search");" statement. Is this the searching function? Where can I find the file which contains the coding? If I want to include "about me" as a tag search here, is this the right file which I need to modify? If not, can anyone please let me know where I can make modification? Thanks.
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Can anyone please help? Many thanks.
What version of Elgg are you using? The search system was completely changed in 1.7. Developer notes are in mod/search/README.txt.
My Elgg version is 1.7.1
1. Does $CONFIG->registered_tag_metadata_names contain the tag in user profile field? If I want to check the value of $CONFIG->registered_tag_metadata_names, how can I do it? Which table in database contain this data?
2. I understand that the search in "user search via tag" will use all the words input to the textbox to do a search. Say, if I input "happy face", it will search with "happy face". Now if I want to do a search with "happy face", "happy" and "face", how can I do it? I don't mind to change the programming code. Please advise me the method.
My elgg version is 1.7.1
Can I able to add an additional search for blog, pages to search the values of the fields and category,that is different search box different from site wide search via tags? How yo do it?
Thanks and regards,
@dwaipayan, I believe you need to do some programming or search through the existing plugin and see if there is any matching. Cheers.
@hakeem -- Look in /mod/search/search_hooks.php for search_users_hook() (line 117 or so) for the logic used to find users. It will also match users against tags, and for that look at search_tags_hook() (same file, 168).
@hakeem yes you r right,but I want some support to do that customization.
Can you help me or anyone ?
@Brett Any solution for page specific search(serach each and every fields without using tag)beside site wide serach?
@dwaipayan, I am trying to study myself. So I don't know how much I can help you. Sorry.
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