Hi. I'm trying to move my website to the new Phpfox 2.04 and wanted to find the User, Password, Email, etc, fields in the elgg database so I can capture the info and insert them into the PHPfox database. Please help. Thanks.
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- Team Webgalli@webgalli
Team Webgalli - 0 likes
- Mike Zacher (vazco)@vazco
Mike Zacher (vazco) - 0 likes
- Spacetraveler@Spacetraveler
Spacetraveler - 0 likes
- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Login to the phpmyadmin. the details are there in "elgg_users_entity" table. You can find the values there. But it wont be possible to get the password.
We know how to export members to another elgg installation. If you want further clariffication, pm me at webgalli[at]gmail[dot]com
Team Webgalli
Spacetraveler, it would be better if you exported your user data to some open format (csv or xml) and then import the data to your site via PHP. Structure of data in Elgg is EAV. It's not relational database model, that's why it probably won't translate easily on to your site's database model.
We can create export script for you as a custom development for a reasonable price. If you're interrested, you can place the request via this page or to info@elggdev.com.
Thanks a lot guys. I still can't find it. All I see is a table called "Information_Schema". Where exactly is the elgg_users_entity table?
I not notice your post before..
The solution is quite simple..
Send me a PM if interested or...
** You are running Elgg on a Windows IIS etc Server, right ? (how the heck did i know ;-=)