Hi I'm using Elgg version 1.7.1.
When you go to the riverdashboard (Dashboard link/menu), you can see "All", "Friends" and "Mine" tabs. By default, you are on the "All" tab.
The setting for riverdashboard is "Avatar" so a user avatar is displayed in the riverdashboard activity.
When you hover on the avatar, a drop-down arrow is shown indicating it has menus hidden. When you click the arrow, this menu will expand and shows all links. This is the expected behavior.
Now let's say you want to go to "Friends" tab. Once in the "Friends" tab and you hover on a user's avatar in the riverdashboard activity, the drop-down arrow is NOT SHOWN anymore and you can't access the hidden menus.
I clicked back on "All" tab to check if the menu was ok but once there, the user avatar menu too was not accessible anymore.
To bring back the avatar user menu, I have to refresh the page. It seems that the user avatar menu is not loaded when you clicked on tabs thus requiring you to force a refresh.
Any solution for this inconvenience?
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