I am very interesting to use in elgg1.7. Please guid me.
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Several months ago I asked Fabrice if I could modify his multisite plugin to make it work with v1.7. He said OK and I have it working on my servers. Most of the work involved adding required action tokens - though there were additional modifications required (I'll have to check the change log before I can provide a complete list ). There was only 1 file I was unable to port to 1.7 - I think it was simplecache.php. I used the old file (from 1.6.1 I think) and it seemed to work without error - however getting it to work with the current simplecache.php is on my todo list. I have not tested on 1.7.4.
I have not heard from Fabrice since that time. I do not want to release his code without his approval. If he approves, I am willing to see if I can get it compatible with 1.7.4. Anyone out there familiar with simplecache willing to help out?
Hi guys,
Im still here :) elgg is a very busy business and i get not as many time i'd like to make release some new versions of multisite.
The good news is that one of my commecial project need it in 1.7.4 so a new multisite version is already running on elgg 1.7.4 on the sandbox http://www.nouvelleagora.com/sandbox
Let me make a few test and ill release it as a work in progress as usual.
Thanks to Brian for his help adapting the elgg_token in the forms.
I am very looking forward to be released this plugin on elgg 1.7.
And it seems that elgg 1.8 will have very good look and feel.
If I can use this plugin on elgg 1.8, that is the best.
Would someone tell me where is the source.
Some bug is no problem.
I'm enginner. I may be able to fix some bug, or help.
Is there somewhere we can download the multisite plugin for elgg 1.7.4?
Thanks to everyone who has worked on this plugin!
This sounds like just the plugin I was looking for. I would love to try creating a community in the demo but when I go to the demo I don't see an option to join, or create an account. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Fabrice or Tetsuro, have either of you upgraded to multisite to 1.8?
Thanks, ;)
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