I guess i messed up my database info, or something. But I cant get the install file to give me another shot at redoing the database login info. please help
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in your engines folder, there's a file called settings.example.php. go ahead and rename that to settings.php. change this part of the of the file, remember to leave the ' symbols alone. edit what's in between them
// Database username
$CONFIG->dbuser = '{{CONFIG_DBUSER}}'; <--- your database username
// Database password
$CONFIG->dbpass = '{{CONFIG_DBPASS}}'; <--- password you chose
// Database name
$CONFIG->dbname = '{{CONFIG_DBNAME}}'; <--- your database name
// Database server
// (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')
$CONFIG->dbhost = 'localhost'; <--- i changed it to localhost, most likely it'll be localhost so just leave it
// Database table prefix
// If you're sharing a database with other applications, you will want to use this
// to differentiate Elgg's tables.
$CONFIG->dbprefix = '{{CONFIG_DBPREFIX}}'; <--- for example yoursite_elgg prefix
hope that helps a bit
You could also remove the engine/settings.php file if you'd rather have the installer do it for you. This bug has been corrected for 1.7.1.
ty so much...cant believe i tripped and fell on the first step of install...lol
Now if I can only get the program to communicate with my database I will have step one completed. Im such a noob
I guess I should ask if doing this on godaddy is actually going to happen?
There have been quite a few comments about GoDaddy here that search should turn up. It seems a decent number of people are using them...
ask your godaddy tech support for the dbhost name for you..
thank you...been trying to find the hostname. seems elgg and godaddy have different meanings for things.
i dont have anything for the elgg prefix line...any suggestions?
I'd keep it as default of "elgg_" for simplicity's sake.
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