Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials.

I guess i messed up my database info, or something.  But I cant get the install file to give me another shot at redoing the database login info. please help


  • in your engines folder, there's a file called settings.example.php. go ahead and rename that to settings.php. change this part of the of the file, remember to leave the ' symbols alone. edit what's in between them

    // Database username

    $CONFIG->dbuser = '{{CONFIG_DBUSER}}';  <--- your database username


    // Database password

    $CONFIG->dbpass = '{{CONFIG_DBPASS}}'; <--- password you chose


    // Database name

    $CONFIG->dbname = '{{CONFIG_DBNAME}}'; <--- your database name


    // Database server

    // (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')

    $CONFIG->dbhost = 'localhost'; <--- i changed it to localhost, most likely it'll be localhost so just leave it


    // Database table prefix

    // If you're sharing a database with other applications, you will want to use this

    // to differentiate Elgg's tables.

    $CONFIG->dbprefix = '{{CONFIG_DBPREFIX}}'; <--- for example yoursite_elgg prefix

    hope that helps a bit

  • You could also remove the engine/settings.php file if you'd rather have the installer do it for you.  This bug has been corrected for 1.7.1.

  • ty so much...cant believe i tripped and fell on the first step of install...lol

  • Now if I can only get the program to communicate with my database I will have step one completed.  Im such a noob

  • I guess I should ask if doing this on godaddy is actually going to happen?

  • There have been quite a few comments about GoDaddy here that search should turn up.  It seems a decent number of people are using them...

  • @w

    ask your godaddy tech support for the dbhost name for you..

  • thank you...been trying to find the hostname.  seems elgg and godaddy have different meanings for things.

  • i dont have anything for the elgg prefix line...any suggestions?

  • I'd keep it as default of "elgg_" for simplicity's sake.