Right now,
the groups URL is like .../pg/groups/GUID/GroupName/...
is there any way to omit that GUID? I know the groupprofile.php needs the GUID to get the Group Entity. Is there any function to get the Group Entity from just GroupName? Maybe something new in 1.7?
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- Cash@costelloc
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- Kevin Jardine@kevin
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- Cash@costelloc
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- KLC@klcstyle
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You must log in to post replies.Group names are not unique so the guid needs to be in the URL (or a plugin added to ensure group names are unique).
Thanks for your reply...i understand that Group names need to be unique. In my plugin, the group name will be unique..and only created by Admin. How would i go about getting the Group entity..from only the Group name..is there any way? or do you have any other suggestion?
I was trying to get something similar for Group Bookmarks URL...Again, if the Group Name is UNIQUE..how would i get something like pg/bookmarks/groupname/items...instead of pg/bookmarks/group:GUID/items...just makes it more SEO Friendly.
This seems like a lot of work for not much payback, but the way to do it for groups would be to over-ride the groups page handler like this:
// Register a page handler, so we can have nice URLs
and then rewrite the groups_page_handler function to calculate the group_guid from the name rather than extracting it from the $page structure.
Make sure your plugin is ordered after groups and it should work.
You can do something similar for bookmarks.
Any idea how you would go about calculating the Group_Guid from the name? All the examples i have looked at already know the GUID...but is there a function to go from Groupname->GUID?
Thanks for your help.
My situation is exactly opposite.
Because my community are mostly non-English users, so I want to remove the groupsname form URL.
It seems easy, which files should I to modify?
search for the function groups_url() in the group's start.php - remove the title there
Got it. Thanks, Cash.