I'm facing diffilucty where my members' blog can't add comment. I already tick "allow comment" however the problem still remain the same. My wild guess is maybe because of my tools sort.
Below is my tools. I'm using elgg1.7
Thanks in advance
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i'm begging please anyone can point me where can i edit my database to show comment in blog? please please...
Does it happen with only certain blog entries? Any error messages in PHP/Apache log?
My suspicion is that some comments contain characters that may not get properly encoded, and so you end up with a corrupt HTML page. Do a "view source" from the browser and see if the HTML looks okay. Alternatively, you may (for diagnositic purpose) change views/default/annotation/generic_comment.php (at line 29 or thereabout) from:
If that doesn't help, try this:
Good luck.
Ggggrrrrr....... I double check the access just to make sure it is "public" and allow comment is marked. I upgrade from 1.7 to 1.7.1b and edit the generic_comment.php.
Both of the codes didn't show the comment input form or comments.
Below is a link 1 of my blog
some of my blog can be commented for e few hours/days and then it gone and never showup again.
About the error log, i'm requesting it from my hosting provider.
This is strange. Do you still see those comments in the database though? If not, then somehow they got deleted. (Try something like "select string from elggmetastrings where id in (select value_id from elggannotations where entity_guid=blog_guid)".)
i did try the sql enquiry, and for 1 of my blog that have comments, shows 3 result in mysql. however it not shown in the php http://www.i-gen.ebaseworks.com/pg/blog/alfirus/read/1380/hari-ini-adalah-hari-nya-oleh-aznil-haji-nawawi.
So i deleted all elgg files and upload fresh 1.7.1b together with plugins and using same database, but the result remain the same.
weired huh?
PLai, if needed, i can send you MySQL data for you to test it.
I went to the link. Elgg is seeing the comments [it says "Comments(3)"] but they are not being displayed. I'd guess that it is your theme. If you turn off your theme and any other third party plugins, do the comments appear?
Nope. I already tried before and stated in my post number 4 above.
Well, no one else has this problem which most likely means you are using different code (a plugin or you've changed some code in one of the core plugins). I recommend copying over the original Elgg code and disabling all theme/3rd party plugins.
One mystery about your problem is that you would see your comments for some time, and then they disappear, even though they seem to be still in the database and that Elgg can count them right. Do you (or your hosting provider) have something like rsync running? Check permission and ownership of the view files -- if Apache can't access them, then Elgg can't include them. You would get error messages in PHP/Apache log files in that case -- did you ever get the log files from your hosting provider?
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