If I upload a file and set to private because I only want the recipient of a message to receive it, how do I go around it?
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- Kevin Jardine@kevin
Kevin Jardine - 0 likes
- spacemanjason@spacemanjason
spacemanjason - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I created an attachment plugin for a client which routes around the Elgg core file system entirely to allow people to attach files meant for single users. Attachments are placed in a special attachment directory and are represented as annotations on other entities (in this case a message) and so have no metadata themselves (and the same access control as the message).
I might release it eventually although it would need to be recoded because of the change in the data directory structure for Elgg 1.7.
Wow, sounds like what I need. I think it's a good work around for people who want to share files but only for certain individuals. Please make it! :D
take care.