what do you think of my own riverdashboard?


this is my OWN customization, i didn't use fusion's script or anything. everything is mostly 1.7 elgg default. all i did was just add some css into it. it's not done yet so i'm still doin some tweaks here and there! and yes the wire works when you post into it.

  • Looks really nice, especially like the menu down the left hand side. Would you mind sharing the code :). I can't seem to get Fusions wire to work (not much of a coder) and no one seems to be working on it anymore?


  • coding it isn't hard, just used a div box to make the third column and then positioning it using css. i wouldn't mind helping but i won't tell you code by code on how to make it look like mines as i'm trying to stay unique from the rest :)

  • I completely understand. I think the only thing I need help with is getting the wire to work... can't seem to crack that.

  • oh that's an easy one, you just copy the code from the mod/thewire/views/default/thewire/forms/add.php file

  • Awesome! Awesome! I liked the buttons on the left side. This is unique from the rest and you can already see, ppl interest!

    About adding wire on the river...could you kindly say something more specific? (I am sorry but...not a big programmar )

    I took the code from mod/thewire/views/default/thewire/forms/add.php file, and added this to the index.php file (? Is this what you meant?) Now, it accepts wire, but if U click submit button, it takes you to "all wire post" page, also do not add to river?

    Can you/anyone kindly put some more light on my darkness?




  • here is teh code that i put in the welcome.php in the folder /public_html/mod/riverdashboard/views/default/riverdashboard

    <h2><?php echo sprintf(elgg_echo('welcome:user'), $_SESSION['user']->name); ?>, what're you doing?</h2>

    function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) {
        // if too long...trim it!
        if (field.value.length > maxlimit) {
            field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
        } else {
            // otherwise, update 'characters left' counter
            cntfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;

            <form action="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>action/thewire/add" method="post" name="noteForm">
                                $display .= "<textarea name='note' value='' onKeyDown=\"textCounter(document.noteForm.note,document.noteForm.remLen1,140)\" onKeyUp=\"textCounter(document.noteForm.note,document.noteForm.remLen1,140)\" id=\"thewire_large-textarea\">{$msg}</textarea>";
                    $display .= "<div class='thewire_characters_remaining'><input readonly type=\"text\" name=\"remLen1\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"140\" class=\"thewire_characters_remaining_field\">";
                    echo $display;
                    echo elgg_echo("thewire:charleft") . "</div>";
                                    echo elgg_view('input/securitytoken');
                            <input type="hidden" name="method" value="site" />
                            <input type="submit" value="<?php echo elgg_echo('save'); ?>" />
    <?php echo elgg_view('input/urlshortener'); ?>

    make sure to add this too, before that code

    $wire_user = get_input('wire_username');
                    if (!empty($wire_user)) { $msg = '@' . $wire_user . ' '; } else { $msg = ''; }

  • Cim, great design looking very nice. Myself love uniqueness but is it as easy as you say it is to custom design the riverdashboard from a newbie point of view? I know a little bit of css but is that enough to make my own custom design or is it more complex? Right now I'm using Fusions riverdashdoard plugin, which is also very nice too. But I would like to create something different. Any ideas or suggestions on how or where to start?