I'm a Noob to Elgg. Just trying to get my feet wet and setup a facebook style instant chat. I found the bottom bar plugin and have successfully installed it. However, when I try a chat with a colleague who is on my friends list and I'm on his the messages that we send between each other don't appear anywhere.
Any ideas?
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- ghumanz@harinderghumanz
ghumanz - 0 likes
- Mike@amicableyetti
Mike - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.1) How can i remove all tab from bottom bar , I mean I need only friends update notification.
2) Second smiley are not shown ,So how can i show option to add smiley in chat .
3) how can i remove logo from left side.
please me to resolve these issues.
@sean: Personally, I had nothing but problems with the Bottom Bar. It worked sometimes, but not others. The other problems is that it uses a lot of CPU, so if you don't have a dedicated server, you may run into problems with your host company.
@ghumanz Not sure about the first two, but you can easily change the logo via settings under Tool Administration. You'll need to upload your own logo to the directory indicated.