like "elk" with a "g" at the end lolz ;-O ps: i am mentally dylsecix too heh`heh..
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- nic sinclair@stonersutd

nic sinclair - 0 likes
- nic sinclair@stonersutd

nic sinclair - 0 likes
- nic sinclair@stonersutd

nic sinclair - 0 likes
- Brett@brett.profitt

Brett - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.thanks, i will delete this now to keep my looking stupid to a minimum lol
thanks, i will delete this now to keep my looking stupid to a minimum lol
oh thats a good example of a problem iv had, i thought it was just my installation,
double posting on discussions,
Has anyone else noticed it?
@nic I'm pretty sure this is related to the slow posting speed because of the group notification. Once we sort out that issue hopefully the double posting will go away.