ok so firstly
i ugraded to 1.7 ,all user images are gone and my home page is all screwed up showing this message
Unknown column 'annotation_id' in 'field list'
QUERY: select id,type,subtype,action_type,access_id,view,subject_guid,object_guid,annotation_id,posted from el_river where ( (1 = 1) ) order by posted desc limit 0,21
You kind helpful people here pointed out i haddnt run the upgrade script and that was the problem my database haddnt upgraded {thanks again}
i decided to give up and try to upgrade later when i had more time, ie not 3am when i had to be in work in 4 hours lol
so i restored the files and database from a 2 days old back up i had
Since then my admin accounts stoped working correctly {only random parts of pages showing up} and alot of other wierd stuff has happend images not showing up in the blog, izapvideos displaying differntly etc etc,
iv checked ht access and engine/settings.php but i cant see anything clear{to a novice like me} thats wrong,
anyone got any ideas whats happened and what i can do to get it back?
thanks in advance
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- nic sinclair@stonersutd

nic sinclair - 0 likes
- Cash@costelloc

Cash - 0 likes
- nic sinclair@stonersutd

nic sinclair - 0 likes
- nic sinclair@stonersutd

nic sinclair - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Is my best option just to try upgrade again now, or should i attempt to fix this first?
If you have restored your database, I would get everything working first and then do the upgrade. Otherwise, you don't know whether the problem is caused by a bad database restore, the upgrade, or something else.
The 1.6.1 database requires 1.6.1 code just like the 1.7 database requires 1.7 code. If you copy the 1.6.1 code over the 1.7 code, you should see everything work.
I just relised when i restored the files and database i only restored public-html and not the elgg data files, im hoping now if i restore the elgg data if will go back to nrmal, then i will attempt to ugraded again but this time following your getting ready for 1.7 guide