I am triying to install the lastet elgg( 1.7 no xD)(Srry about my bad english). I have uploaded all the files into mi host and I have modified de settings file. Okey, when i go to mi webpage it says ''Systems settings''. I enter a name, a description etc..., and when i click save the webpage go to this url http://private.es/actions/systemsettings/install so my host says file not found!!!. Okey i go to my host, i changed the folder actions to action, and i do the same. When i click save in ''system settings'' the webpage go to http://private.es/action/systemsettings/install And my host say file not found so i have puted in the url http://private.es/action/systemsettings/install.php and i click enter but the webpage says this: Fatal error: Call to undefined function elgg_set_viewtype() in /homepages/29/d298177617/htdocs/action/systemsettings/install.php on line 16 .
Please help meee!!!
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- Jorge Moreno@safewow
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- Jorge Moreno@safewow
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- Jorge Moreno@safewow
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The problem is that i don't have elgg in a subdirectory and i don't know where i can find that files to see if mod_rewrite is installed.
I forggoted to say srry that in the htacces file i have in a line RewriteEngine On
It depends where you're working.
In local? Windows or Linux? on a server?
I have linux and i am using 1 and 1(its a host). I have read in the webpage of 1 and 1 that i can't modify the httpd.conf file but it says that the command that i put in the htacces can work for all the webspace.
You have to enable mod_rewrite...
you need admin password to do this and to modify httpd.conf.
But my host says that i can't modify httpd.conf . Is there any command to enable mod_rewrite with htaccess?. My host says that i can do all in the htaccess file.
My host say this in a faq page:
You cannot modify the "httpd.conf" file of Apache Webserver in our Shared
hosting and Managed Server packages.
But you can adjust the Apache webserver properties to your needs by editing a
control file. You can list various commands in this file enabling you to control
access to a directory, to have custom error pages, to list the content of
directories, etc.
The control file ".htaccess" can be placed in various directories of your site.
Please note that commands in a .htaccess file effect ALL subdirectories as well!
If you want the changes to be applied to your entire webspace all you need to do is
place one .htaccess files containing the configuration into the maindirectory of
your space (/.)
The webpaage whre i founded that: http://faq.1and1.com/scripting_languages_supported/configuring_apache_server_using_htaccess/4.html
Please Help meee
try with this
I don't understand that guide, but thanks. Anyone can say me that guide but shorter xD?