salve, ho installato la versione 1.7b di elgg, ho impostato riverdashboard, e tutto, solo che pero c'è un problema....
il the wire, non funziona, cioe scrivo un messaggio, ma appena faccio post mi spunta il seguente messaggio:
module is missing __token or __ts field (una cosa del genere)
il sito se volete andare a vedere e provare di persona è:
spero in un vostro aiuto.
grazie anticipatamente
cordiali saluti
English version:
hello, I installed the version 1.7b of Elgg, I set riverdashboard, and all, but only that there is a problem ....
on the wire, does not work, that I write a message, but I just trim my post the following message:
__token module is missing or __ts field (something like that)
the site if you want to go see and try in person is:
I hope in your help.
thanks in advance
(sorry for my bad english)
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help me please
Hello, I have the same problem in ELGG 1.7 ...
__token module is missing or __ts field
One of my plugins was doing the same, all fixed after following this advice found on the elgg community.
Hope that helps..
Although, I've got elgg 1.7 installed and dont have any such problems with Token on The Wire.
@munkee tanks for help, thewire is OK :)