I need help to edit my menu in elgg site.
For example. I want menu like "Home,About us, Contect us..etc " instade of "Tools or settings"
thank you..
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- Mark Bridges@MisterBridges
Mark Bridges - 0 likes
- Krist@krist
Krist - 0 likes
- jimmy9119@jimmy9119
jimmy9119 - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.The standard menus are pretty much auto generated, but you can make static menus using an online css menu creator and put it in you header_contents etc quite easily. You just need to collect the urls of the page views you want.
Vazco (www.elggdev.com) does a nice little canvas menu tool with drag and drop/hide and create... it costs a little ($20) but if you want a quick and easy solution it may do, although some themes will muck up the dispalay of canvas menus. Some themes have canvas menus which you could easily re code to do what you want.
Use Extended Page.. Searching!
thanks buddy