ffmpeg fail in server test... what to do?

I have installed the latest version of the izap Video plugin, but when I run the server test, I get a nasty little "FFmpeg Fail" message.  Please can someone tell me in simple terms how to fix this?  Mark.

  • Mark, if your on a shared server, most of them do not have FFmpeg available, mine runs just fine without it, thats the only fail i get in that screen.  The only way in most cases to get connected to that from what i understand is the be on a vps (virtual private server) or a dedicated server all by yourself.  At least that is how my host works and thats the info im getting from other hosts as well.

  • @Durangod Many thanks for getting back to me.  I have had a little test, and you are right, it all seems to work at the moment... magic!  I am using a Cloud Server, so I guess this is the same as a shared server, so this might well explain the issue.  ( but I am pretty sure it passed on my old standard shared server host).  Thanks again.