I just upgraded my site from 1.5 to 1.6.x and the site announcements have ceased to function. When I enter a new announcement it shows an error "sitemessage:error"
Apparently wire posts no longer show on the river as well.
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- Cash@costelloc
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- omaolain@omaolain
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- omaolain@omaolain
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You must log in to post replies.The message is displayed when the save operation fails on the new message. I wouldn't expect the save operation to fail unless there is something wrong with your connection to the database. Did you run the upgrade script?
I ran the upgrade script, http://site.com/upgrade.php
It would seem that wire posts and other information goes to the river just not mine (the admin). If I do something that should post on the river it gives me a fatal error message "Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0"
The issue seems to also now affect my plugins, if I add new settings and save them they are blank afterwards. If its no longer writing to the DB how can I fix this?
Okay, so I've gone into my database and repaired all the tables and still having the same problems. I'm at a complete loss as to what I'm going to do to fix the issue.
no suggestions from anyone?
would I just be better off to backup the databases, delete my elgg installation and start again?
I have no idea about this situation, do I just need to delete and start again? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.