Hi there...
After upgrading, I seem to have lost my users. They are still in database, and i have the correct database and user listed in my settings.php file.
can someone give a hint to where i might have gone wrong?
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need more details, info, ... ;-)
sure, what kind of details?
I upgraded from 1.5 to 1.6.1, followed the directions http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Upgrading_Elgg
which did not say to protect the settings.php file.
here is what i put
// Database username
$CONFIG->dbuser = 'heartifb_user';
// Database password
$CONFIG->dbpass = 'password';
// Database name
$CONFIG->dbname = 'heartifb_database';
// Database server
// (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')
$CONFIG->dbhost = 'localhost';
// Database table prefix
// If you're sharing a database with other applications, you will want to use this
// to differentiate Elgg's tables.
$CONFIG->dbprefix = 'elgg';
and the elgg installed ok... but none of my users are in it.
is there another file i have to alter to tell elgg where to get the information?
if this is yr prior settings.php - u r ok.
need to elaborate on "...seem to have lost my users" !!! l-)
well I used to have 6,000+ users, with profiles, groups, pages, galleries, etc...
now there is just me.
do i need to perform some kind of migration?
everything is still in the dabase...
still not make sufficient **technical** sense.. can you see the users in elgg users entity db table ? on the elgg entities table ?
yep.. except in my database it's called "memusers_entity"
that was it! for some reason my dbprefix was mem and not elgg...thanks!
you're welcome.. just remember to come back and say 'thank you' - that's all.. i no longer have a (sic) 'donate' button.. lolz ;-O enjoy yr site x 6000 users then..
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