Ok, so i've only ever seen one template for elgg that auto adjusted and also worked for iPhones (Mobile Devices), however; it was of very poor quality and overided my main elgg theme.
Seeing as I own an iPhone; something like this is extremely useful for me, and alot of others.
I know how to create themes using HTML, CSS and PHP, blah, blah, blah... However, my problem occurs when I want to create the actual Elgg plugin, What do I do then?
If someone would kindly set up a plugin for me, I can edit it; and make it work for mobile devices, to a very high standard/quality - I'd then be happy to share it with the whole community.
Best regards,
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- Mark Harding@markharding93

Mark Harding - 0 likes
- Salomón@salojc2006

Salomón - 0 likes
- ghumanz@harinderghumanz

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- Otaku!@ikarospeed15

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- Justin@Hibuddie

Justin - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Hi Mark,
I have already created a mobile plugin - http://bit.ly/60tZ5k
It automatically detects the device and shows a custom theme.
Hi Mark Harding,
I tried follow your link, but it is broken. (http://bit.ly/60tZ5k)
I am looking for an mobile theme for elgg 1.8. If you have any info, I will be grateful for you,
Best regards.
He already update under his plugin ,he will update the plugin when 1.8 will out... or you can pay him to update ASAP.
how I use mobile elgg?
I have the same host for my elgg site?
what i think and believe that is important but i havent seen the plugin since i have been
studying this script....which any programmer can pick up and add to his developing list,
* Fully customizable profile pages
Change background images, colors,
this future will let members to customise there profile to there taste,by theme changing
the color of there page borders and adding there pictures as there wall paper.
* shoutout chat: which will let members to drop a shoutout from there own very page, then
it will go randomly to all other profile page of other member, the person that drop a
shoutout, picture and a short info about him will display randomly on the chat....i will
also advise that the person who will pick to develop this plugin should make it to work on
the mobile tooo and so for it to come with smile icons,enable people to upload the picture
and tagging friends on the picture.
* rating profile, which will come with a start or any other rating icon...
* advance and muture writing walls, which will come with a privancy,eg post to
friend,groups,myself e.t.c and some smile icon, we should try to make something unique
*detector: people really wanted to be seen of what kind of devices that they are making
using of...
i think that some programmer should pick and add the developing of this script
which will
detect, what kind of decktop browser the person is using eg, internet
expore,mozila,safari,epci, e.t.c
and also the kind of mobile they are using... eg, ipad,iphone 3,4,4s,
androids,blackberry,samsumg galaxy and symbian, java..... which is nokia... they want the
icon to show on they wall so that they friends will see it...