Open inviter is there still need?


If there is still need for ppl to get openinviter to work whit ellg i made a quite simple hack to it.

So it can be used inside the normal invite friends thingy :)

but i,m lazy so i wont type it out unless ppl want to know how.

toss a reply if so.

cincerly jlx.

mkays sober nows lol

install it here


modifu your config.php to suit your needs make sure your tmp folders writeable.

and in /public_html/yoursite.COM/mod/invitefriends/views/default/invitefriends/form.php

delete everything. and place

<iframe src ="yoursite.COM/Openinviter/example.php" width="100%" height="300">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

then simply go t your invite friends page and voila you got the example sender working :)