Hey Kevin,
I'm hoping you could apply the following patch to flexgroupprofile/views/default/groups/groupprofile.php:
--- groupprofile.php~ 2009-05-07 12:57:00.000000000 +0300
+++ groupprofile.php 2009-12-20 21:17:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -84,9 +84,12 @@ require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dir
$body = '';
// do right column
// handle description, which is hardcoded to be first
- $body .= '<div class="contentWrapper">';
- $body .= $vars['entity']->description;
- $body .= '</div>';
+ if ( (isset($vars['entity']->description)) && (!empty($vars['entity']->description)) ) {
+ $body .= '<div class="contentWrapper">';
+ $body .= $vars['entity']->description;
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ }
if ($form) {
if (!in_array($form->profile_format,array('tabbed','wide_tabbed'))) {
// a little bit weird, but actually in the default design
What the patch does?
If no description is set for the group then the group profile view shows a white empty contentWrapper div which doesn't look good. This patch will only draw the description inside the div if such description is available for the group.
Liran Tal.
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