Hello everyone
I am looking for help getting our site up and running and have 0 experience with setting up websites. Ideally I would like someone to help set this up, and if possible explain to me how to get into our installation files on the server so that we can add plugins as needed.
Our site was just hosted yesterday with arvixe and we had them install elgg on our site. I would like to add a theme, and a few other plugins to give a more inviting appearance. Our website is kalamazooareacompassionclub.org. We are a non profit medical support group and funds are limited, but we are not asking it for free. Anyone that would be willing to help us out, we would be most grateful. Please let me know if you are interested, and approximately what kind of cost we would be looking at. We are looking to install the theme, and 5-6 plugins.
Thank you all for your time!
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