I'm thinking of changing the 'add polls' form so that instead of adding options separated by commas (not really user friendly) to put several input boxes.
What do you think?
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You must log in to post replies.Input boxes are always good and more intuitive, rather than one field, separating the choices by commas. The latter is not very intuitive. Another possibility is to have a drop-down menu which would list common poll type responses. The typical, "Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree" is an example of what I mean.
great, already added dynamic input boxes :-)
any other ideas I should work out?
The display of the results (I think) is currently poor. What would improve it no end and make it so much more professional would be some flash charting integration. I know there is free open source stuff out there that will do the job.
Input boxes would be a huge improvement also - agreed on that!
maybe something like this - http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/ ?
jimbob, that would be over-the-top-COOL, to have those charts putting out the poll results!
certainly would be nice...
If the plugin gave the poll creator the option of displaying results as a pie or bar chart then that would be good too.
Don't you love Open Source?! It's all possible!
sure thing, I'll take a look at that library.
(next time don't hi-jack a thread and open a new one please :-) )