Am I the only one still having problems with music files/mp3's, being turned into document files once they are uploaded to a profile? I have one site that is ELGG 1.5 and the other ELGG 1.6 and I am still having the same issue.
If you aren't having this problem, what music player are you using. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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I am also having similar problem. Although my music files uploaded display correctly as mp3 or music file but when I view the audio file that I uploaded it doesn't show the audio/mp3 player. The player is showing/working on the first 3 songs that are uploaded, but it fails to show on the succeeding audio upload. I tried disabling the zaudio, same thing happens. I'm using elgg 1.6.1.
Please help us.. thanks.
Had same problem a while back. Not all my mp3 files displayed the player. There is a fix that's not yet in 1.6.1. We installed it and it fixed our problem. Here's a link to the discussion. It may be of some help to you too.
It's a little messy cause there was quite a bit of discussion, but within those documents is the trac that gives the fix.
Yeah, you were right. It was a mess to follow but I did. I downloaded the mpg.php file and put it in "zaudio/views/default/file/specialcontent/audio/mpg.php."
Then a little further down, Kevin Jardine mentioned something about "running upgrade.php after that to add that file to your view cache" and I have no idea how to do that!
Thanks for the help,
why ain't y'all using aaudio ?? workz whooperz for me and a quite a few other muzos....
I uploaded aaudio and then attempted to upload an .mp3. It WORKED! I'll wait and see if it lasts!
Thanks dhrup.
Is this a 1.6.1 fix?
I like using standard elgg plugins, like zaudio, rather than 3rd party plugins, like aaudio, simply because I "hope" they will be more compatible, more quickly with any elgg upgrade. I've seen here, more than once, that 3rd party plugins sometimes are not supported by the developers and I don't want to get stuck not being able to upgrade in the future - either having to wait till the 3rd party catches up, or possibly never catches up. Just my prerfereance - that's why I chose to stick with zaudio. That said, I think I will give aaudio a look just cause Dhrup recommended it.
slowsoluz said "Then a little further down, Kevin Jardine mentioned something about "running upgrade.php after that to add that file to your view cache" and I have no idea how to do that!"
You simply execute This is something you should do each time you make an upgrade of any kind.
It's also his plugin, he has many good ones floating around, and I sure they are compatible with out much upgrading needed.
Using aaudio worked when I uploaded one mp3 last night. But when I tried tonight, I got the same problem. The music file showed up as a document. So I guess I am back to square one. I don't know if it is different mp3's or what.
Thanks for the upgrade.php info. I kinda figured that is what it was. I did that but nothing changed. I guess I will have to read through the fix again and see what I find.
Thanks you guys (ron, dhrup) for taking time to help us. I tried the suggestions above.. didn't work. I used aaudio... still, the player is not showing up with the audio file.
try an mp3 file under 5 mg and then one over 5 mg, see what happens, if the one under 5mg shes up then its its a configuration issue in your .htacess file or your or both. Also insure insure safe mode is turned off on your php config on your host
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