Hello friends,
i have a problem with my elgg. Sorry for my bad english. But i need help for a duplicate over the other server.
I have read this http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/DuplicateInstallation but i have any problems now.
My elgg version is not ok by the duplicate installation. The elements are not ok and the members i can´t see. No name or pictures. No videos.
The "about us" "terms" "contact" is all not to see.
I need help for this, please
Greetings, Björn
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- Bill Lahti@blahti
Bill Lahti - 0 likes
- Björn@HudsonHawk
Björn - 0 likes
- Björn@HudsonHawk
Björn - 0 likes
- The Father@thefather
The Father - 0 likes
- Björn@HudsonHawk
Björn - 0 likes
- The Father@thefather
The Father - 0 likes
- Björn@HudsonHawk
Björn - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.In what way is your Elgg "not ok"? Is there any chance that you hve links in the new installation that point back to the old installation? That's the problem I had.
See Help With Copying Elgg for a few more comments related to duplicating an installation. If you have the link problem, the tip about replacing all old links with new ones in the MySQL file should help.
@ Bill Thx for your comment. But the installtion is now running. Is it strange but the DNS settings are wrong. But now is correct running the system. Thx for your help.
Hello friends,
i have now anthoer problem. The system is runnig but a few of users can´t your images upload and can´t your profil pic upload. Every new users can´t this. But comments can wrote all.
Please, i need help for this.
Greetings, Björn
I would look at your data path. Make sure it is writeable as well.
Hello The Father,
the path and the dataroot are right. I have the tutorial "Duplicate Installtion" with my installation control.
The database is ok with the settings over the tutorial.
So the data directory write able? Another words can Elgg write to it? Also is it an ownerhip problem of the database? Thats things I would look at also Just for giggles post your path to your elgg install and the path to your data directory.
@Father I have the new path and dataroot now writable. The problem is not ok.