Hi, I found the dates to be displayed incorrectly. They are shown with this formatting which does not allow them to be displayed correctly. Can you tell me where to intervene to resolve the problem? I've seen that in all the plugins that use the data it is shown badly. I thank everyone in advance.
At the moment I get a display like this: aa-01-gg
using elgg 6.1.1
Sorry for my English, but it's not my native language
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IKE.TEKNIS - 0 likes
- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

Nikolai Shcherbin - 0 likes

IKE.TEKNIS - 0 likes
Versione PHP8.3.15 Estensione PHP: pdo_mysqlEnabled Estensione PHP: jsonEnabled Estensione PHP: xmlEnabled Estensione PHP: gdEnabled Estensione PHP: intlEnabled Estensione PHP: mbstringEnabled Database servermysql v8.0.36-28 Database clientPDO MySQL Driver .htaccess rewrite rulesOK WebP Support
PHP open_basedirNo limitations have been set cache OPEnabled MemcacheNon disponibile RedisNon disponibile
Si consiglia di configurare l'impostazione simplecache in settings.php. L'impostazione di simplecache, nel file settings.php, migliora le prestazioni di memorizzazione nella cache. Consente a Elgg di saltare la connessione al database quando servono file JavaScript e CSS memorizzati nella cache Cache di sistemaEnabled

IKE.TEKNIS - 0 likes
- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

Nikolai Shcherbin - 1 like
- Can you specify exactly how the date is displayed on your site? (Link to the site would be helpful. You can send the URL in a private message)
- What is the main language for the site?
- Do you have any third-party plugins installed? List them.

IKE.TEKNIS - 0 likes
- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

Nikolai Shcherbin - 1 like
- First disable https://elgg.org/plugins/3036040 and reproduce the action,
- then disable https://elgg.org/plugins/2472711 and reproduce the action,
- then disable https://elgg.org/plugins/736695 and reproduce the action.

IKE.TEKNIS - 0 likes
- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

Nikolai Shcherbin - 1 like

IKE.TEKNIS - 1 like
You must log in to post replies.good evening everyone, can anyone give me any advice on this? I thank everyone
Seems, you don't have one of the PHP extensions installed or enabled.
Check these requirements.
thanks Nikolai, i found this infomation on my elgg site
in /admin/server
in admin/performance
I try to change PHP version on server, but not resolve the problem.
hi Nikolai,
the problem with displaying dates occurs within the plugins downloaded from the elgg site in particular:
when choosing the date, the calendar popup opens correctly to select the same, once selected the popup closes and transfers the choice to the textbox, it is displayed there in the format: yy-03-dd.
only the central value indicating the month is correct.
I think the problem applies to all the plugins I reported to you.
the language of the site: Italian
Since I'm not an expert, I wouldn't want to change something that shouldn't be done. Indeed, knowing where this problem arises is of great interest to me to better understand and learn how ELGG works.
After reading this information, if necessary I will send you the link to the site privately
Thanks for your help, if
Try disabling plugin by plugin and repeat the action to find out which plugin is doing it:
Hi Nikolai
I carried out the tests you described but none of the plugins seem to affect the date display problem, I will send you the site link in a private message.
thank you for the great help you are giving me.
Well, after investigation I can definitely conclude that the problem is in the wrong 'Event manager' plugin translation.
If I set the language in the User settings as English, then everything works fine.
Please open iisue or ask developers on the plugin's page
Edited: Maybe, this issue is related to some vendor's lib translation.
Hi Nikolai,
Sorry my english, please
Thanks you for the best help. I resolve this problem, editing language file with correct data format and now i see date correctly