Wogker joined the group Beginning Developers 4355 days ago...

By Wogker

This was my first activity on Elgg.org, wtf, 12 years ago. This post is not going to be a complaint or a request... simply a thank you.

It's been a while since I've written anything here and it's because my Elgg works and works well for many years. I maintain a small Spanish community of about 600 users. I haven't updated it, I don't dare, it's too customized. It works on version 4.3.10 and everything is running smoothly, no problems to date.

As I said, it's not all going to be complaints, I'm very happy to have discovered Elgg more than a decade ago. Thanks to all who helped me at the beginning and to all who maintain this every day.

Greetings, Wogker.