There appears to be a bug in Elgg 6.1.2 for PHP 8.4.2 which prevents using complex passwords. If a user account has a complex password, they cannot change their email address. Changing the password from complex to simple then allows changing the email address. Correct complex password was confirmed by logging out and logging back in. Multiple attempts to change the email address with the complex password registered all failed. Random complex password: all ASCII characters excluding spaces. Random simple password: letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores only. Passwords used are at least 16 characters in length. Example complex password that prevents changing email address: y[)jQm48j9vmaa&^
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- Jerome Bakker@jeabakker

Jerome Bakker - 0 likes
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We haven't changed any code related to password or email change in a while. Maybe it has to do with PHP 8.4