I'm completely new to Elgg and I'm trying to figure out where I can find what in the Elgg installation and how to change things to my liking. It seems very complex to me. Then again I'm a total noob, so you might find my issue stupid.
I want to make a couple of changes to the layout / design of the site through an individual plugin that overrides the core or plugin files. If I understand correctly, that's the preferred method.
Unfortunately, it's unclear to me how find the right files to replace. So I was wondering if someone could help me get a better idea of the elgg-structure with a specific example:
In the "add" and "edit" functions for the "blog" and "pages" plugins, there is a field called "Upload a new header". I don't want customized headers on my site, so I would like to hide (or delete?) this field from the page view of "add/edit blog" and "add/edit page" function.
But I don't find the place to do that. There are so many different PHP files in the plugin directories and they all are somehow connected. I read the documentation about entities and views, but I don't understand where to find either the entity or the view in question, so that I can update it. There are e.g. add.php and edit.php files in different folders like elements, resources etc.
On top of that, the "how" is unclear to me. When I check my site with the inspector in my browser, it shows the generated HTML code. I don't understand how/where this is generated though. There are CSS files everywhere in the elgg-structure. Which one regulates what? For my example: In the "add post" page, there are two buttons: "Save" and "Preview". While the colours of those buttons can be defined in the settings, how could I e.g. move the "Preview" button to the same line as the "Save" button? Right now, they are unevenly placed. Where does Elgg get the information from where to position the "Preview" button?
I hope you can understand what I mean. I assume that these are total noob questions, but as I wrote, I am a total noob with Elgg. ;) Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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Thanks for your help. Everything works as hoped.
As for the "why": Let's just say that the way I'm an elggnoob, my users are general technoobs and the presence of the "add sub-page", "edit" and "add" buttons confused some of the users in such a way that we needed to find a solution to make it easier.
That said, I probably should take out the "friends" and "logged-in user" options from the "write access" drowndown menu in the "edit" page. Just in case. Let's see if I find out how to do that with what I've learned.
The "Friends only" access level will persist in the menu. It's a bit more difficult to remove.
"Private" will be there by default and it will be fine for your users, IMO.
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