I have installed Elgg 5.1.9 and everything works perfectly except for sending emails to group members.
That is, when a member sends a message to another from Elgg the recipient receives it by email, when a user joins a group they receive confirmation by email, ... all this is correct, but no member of a group receives emails when any content in the group is updated or when new content is created in the group.
I need group members to receive notifications in their email accounts every time content is updated or created in the group, but I can't get this to work.
What could be the cause?
Thank you very much
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Maybe these links can help too: 1, 2
Hello everyone and especially Nikolai,
As I mentioned in my last message, I'm back on this forum to confirm that everything is fixed after setting the cron to run every minute.
I want to thank Nikolai once again for all his help and kindness.
Thanks for kind words!
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