I've just downloaded latest version of elgg (4.3.5), uploaded the files on my server and ran installation but it fails instantly on :
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Phpfastcache\Config\ConfigurationOption' not found in /[myserverpath]/www/[mydomain]/memory/vendor/phpfastcache/phpfastcache/lib/Phpfastcache/Drivers/Files/Config.php:21
My installation looks like that :
[Server Root]
⎜- [data-directory] (created before installation)
⎜- [www]
⎜- [mydomain] (my domain main folder)
⎜- [memory] (the main folder for my elgg instance)
I modified the .htaccess file in [memory] with :
RewriteBase /memory/
but, this doesn't help much more.
As you understand, I call the installation script from http://www.mydomain.name/memory
Any idea why I get stuck at the very beginning of the installation process ?
TIA for your help !
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
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- Arno@Arno34
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
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- Arno@Arno34
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You must log in to post replies.means you want to install Elgg in a subdirectory. If so, then you did everything right.
I recommend checking the read/write permissions on these folders:
- data-directory
- /www/[mydomain]/memory/elgg-config/
Directories must have these permissions for group:user
where www-data is your servername (it could also be httpd, or apache2 or something else)
Another reason might be classes won't load automatically by composer.
Thanks for your answer.
Read/write permissions seem OK.
How would classes not be loaded automatically by composer ? I'm totally new to composer ...
This should happen automatically in Elgg.
If this isn't the case, the reason is either in the absence of any files, or in the permissions to write/read.
Allright, I've deleted all the files and uploaded them again, everything works fine now ... Can't figure out what was the problem, but anyway it's solved !