New users cannot register themselves on the registering form. After filling the form and sending, Page becomes blue with a message
Fatal Error.
An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged.
Contact the site administrator with the following information:
Exception at time 2022-09-09T20:08:33+00:00
When I look up the access logs on my hosting server, I get the errors similiar the one below:
How can I overcome this problem? I need your urgent help.
Security issues should be reported to!
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Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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Even I tried to register a user on admin page. Again fatal error on a blue screen
1 - Which Elgg version?
2 - Disable all 3rd party plugins
3 - Run 'Upgrade' via Administration, or this CLI command if you haven't an access to login site:
to flush the caches
4 - Error 500 means a server error: no access. Maybe you need to check the read/write permissions to the folders/files
Which folders? in the root or data? By the way, the version of my elgg is 4.3.0
Why don't you check both directories?
I've checked both of them. all directories are 755 and files in them are 644. Even I updated the version to 4.3.1 the the problem is till on.
My manual update procedure is below:
I moved all program files, except data directory, to a new directory, named "elgg-old"
I uploaded the last version, that is 4.3.1 and extracted the root.
I copied the settings.php file from "/elgg-old/elgg-config/" to the directory "/public-html/elgg-config"
My data directory is out of the directory "/"public-html" so I kept it same.
Then I called my site, and it dislayed everything properly, except registering.
One more point is that, as an admin I could register a new user in administration part, although it displayed a blue screen with the same error.
But after logging out, I tried to register as a new user on the form of welcoming page, the blue screen with error occured again and when I check the users I saw no user added.
I deactivated all 3rd part plugins, I invalidate the system and then upgraded on my admin dashboard. But I still have the same issue.
Do you understand that this is nonsense?
I'm sure it's all about third party plugins.
Just click on 'Upgrade' button on the Dashboard.
Also, check this case.
Although I uploaded four 3rd party plugins (blogtools,ckeditor_extended,Tidypics and Translator_editor) they are deactivated on admin plugin pages. But the same error still occurs with blue screen.
Yes I am thinking it is nonsense, especially after managed to add a new user, despite the blue screen with a warning. After the blue screen, when I returned to the users page on administration section using back on keyboard, I saw the user added, it there. I logged out and then logged in the site using the new user's username and pasword successfully.
I am not a code writer. So I cannot say anything feeling sure. But it seems or I feel something wrong with registering a user part of the code has has a bug. Except this issue, I am very happy with elgg. And thousand thanks for its creators, writers and supporters. May be I will keep close my site for registering for a while.
I decided to make a clean installation on my localhost using elgg-4.3.1 (the latest stable installation pack) downloaded from
I installed it properly, without getting an error. Then I tried to add a new user on the registration form on welcoming page. Sorry to say that I got the same error. No plugins I installed. No errors I got during the installation.
I logged in using admin acount to check if the user is added or no user was is in the list as a new user, except the admin.
Then I decided to add a new user on the administration page as and admin. Again the same "fatal error". So I clicked on the back key to the users list. Bingo! The user was added although the fatal error.
I am in Elgg. But this must be a bug or something else. And the creators should take care on this problem, because Elgg is really good sofware.
I installed elgg-3.3.23 on the same xampp localhost and tested it for registering. Registering a user on both welcome page and administration page displayed no errors and all attepts for registering were succesfull. It made me sure that the registering section of elgg-4.3.1 needs checking by the creators.
With my best regards.
Look at this video:
At the end you can find the server configuration with installed PHP 8.1 but all works very well also on PHP 7.4.
Just believe me ;)
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