Fatal error for registering on fronthend

New users cannot register themselves on the registering form. After filling the form and sending, Page becomes blue with a message

Fatal Error.
An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. 
Contact the site administrator with the following information:

Exception at time 2022-09-09T20:08:33+00:00

When I look up the access logs on my hosting server, I get the errors similiar the one below:

POST /action/register HTTP/1.1
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
United States of America

How can I overcome this problem? I need your urgent help. 



  • Even I tried to register a user on admin page. Again fatal error on a blue screen

  • 1 - Which Elgg version?

    2 - Disable all 3rd party plugins

    3 - Run 'Upgrade' via Administration, or this CLI command if you haven't an access to login site: 

    cd /path-to-your-root-elgg-instaled/vendor/bin/
    php elgg-cli upgrade

    to flush the caches

    4 - Error 500 means a server error: no access. Maybe you need to check the read/write permissions to the folders/files

  • Which folders? in the root or data? By the way, the version of my elgg is 4.3.0

  • I've checked both of them. all directories are 755 and files in them are 644. Even I updated the version to 4.3.1 the the problem is till on.

    My manual update procedure is below:

    I moved all program files, except data directory, to a new directory, named "elgg-old"

    I uploaded the last version, that is 4.3.1 and extracted the root.

    I copied the settings.php file from "/elgg-old/elgg-config/" to the directory "/public-html/elgg-config"

    My data directory is out of the directory "/"public-html" so I kept it same.

    Then I called my site, and it dislayed everything properly, except registering.

    One more point is that, as an admin I could register a new user in administration part, although it displayed a blue screen with the same error.

    But after logging out, I tried to register as a new user on the form of welcoming page, the blue screen with error occured again and when I check the users I saw no user added.

    I deactivated all 3rd part plugins, I invalidate the system and then upgraded on my admin dashboard. But I still have the same issue.


  • Do you understand that this is nonsense?

    I'm sure it's all about third party plugins.

    I invalidate the system and then upgraded on my admin dashboard

    Just click on 'Upgrade' button on the Dashboard.

    Also, check this case.

  • Although I uploaded four 3rd party plugins (blogtools,ckeditor_extended,Tidypics and Translator_editor) they are deactivated on admin plugin pages. But the same error still occurs with blue screen.

    Yes I am thinking it is nonsense, especially after managed to add a new user, despite the blue screen with a warning. After the blue screen, when I returned to the users page on administration section using back on keyboard, I saw the user added, it there. I logged out and then logged in the site using the new user's username and pasword  successfully. 

    I am not a code writer. So I cannot say anything feeling sure. But it seems or I feel something wrong with registering a user part of the code has has a bug. Except this issue, I am very happy with elgg. And thousand thanks for its creators, writers and supporters. May be I will keep close my site for registering for a while.


  • I decided to make a clean installation on my localhost using elgg-4.3.1 (the latest stable installation pack) downloaded from elgg.org.

    I installed it properly, without getting an error. Then I tried to add a new user on the registration form on welcoming page. Sorry to say that I got the same error. No plugins I installed. No errors I got during the installation.

    I logged in using admin acount to check if the user is added or no user was is in the list as a new user, except the admin. 

    Then I decided to add a new user on the administration page as and admin. Again the same "fatal error". So I  clicked on the back key to the users list. Bingo! The user was added although the fatal error.

    I am in Elgg. But this must be a bug or something else. And the creators should take care on this problem, because Elgg is really good sofware.

  • I installed elgg-3.3.23 on the same xampp localhost and tested it for registering. Registering a user on both welcome page and  administration page displayed no errors and all attepts for registering were succesfull. It made me sure that the registering section of elgg-4.3.1 needs checking by the creators.

    With my best regards.

  • Look at this video: https://pw.wzm.me/wall/v/15180

    At the end you can find the server configuration with installed PHP 8.1 but all works very well also on PHP 7.4.

    Just believe me ;)