I have just uploaded the new version of the multisite plugin.
It includes some bug fixing and a few new features
The major one is the implementation of a full local admin role :
- Local admins now have the same permissions than the admin on the groups and objects of their community. (update, delete)
- A new gatekeeper function is introduced for actions that can be used by admin and local admins : multisite_admin_gatekeeper()
- Local admins now get an extra menu on users profile pages and icons, similar to the admin one, that allows them to ban/unban, edit details, reset password, make/remove localadmin
I already use this plugin in productions sites. But i better say that you need to test it on your own installation before running into production. I hope not but there should be still a lot of situations that i have never been into and which could lead into problems.
Thanks to Chrisn Deon and the others who have reported bugs and sometimes solutions for the previous version
Thanks to Alivin for his work on elgg1.6 and his ideao to allow users to switch from a community to another without relogging
the file is there - Please follow instructions on the readme file to install it
And again, please, share your questions and experiences on this forum
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
I fixed it in the DB, I also notice that multisites doesnt work well with elgg commerce
-> 'can not delete the subdomain value' TY i ll have a look to this
-> 'doesnt work well with elgg commerce' Can you tell me more about this ?
Ok, here we go...
(1) I restored my ../elgg/ directories to the way they looked prior to all the various Multisite Beta installs
(2) I disabled the event_calendar plug-in (which is the only 3rd PTY plug-in installed after initially installing elgg v1.6.1
(3) I can log in as admin and as myself as a user
(4) now moving ahead - step by step - to install MsB 2.3.3 -- I'll post results as I go
@Devel95 Great :) i am online on skype if you need some help : fabrice.collette
Performing steps:
1) unzipp the multisitebeta23 folder somewhere on your local pc -- DONE
2) unzipp the multisite folder in your mod directory and enable the plugin -- DONE
I can log in as admin and as myself as a user -- with no white screen!
Moving on to next step
Performing step:
3) copy the files : multisite.php, elgglib.php, notification.php from the engine/lib folder to your site engine/lib folder -- DONE
Got the white screen on browser refresh (Firefox 3.5.5, Internet Explorer 8, Google Chrome 3.0, Safari 4.0.4, Opera 10.01) all on a Windows XP Pro v2002 SP3
P.S. I'm out of time trying to use elgg in a multisite environment. I believe my supervisor will have me shelf the project again until a stable release is avail. I'll monitor the community from time-to-time to see what developments transpire. I did signup for notifications to this group, but for some reason I don't receive them (see my reported issue at http://community.elgg.org/mod/groups/topicposts.php?topic=329403&group_guid=179063). I only seem to receive a selective few email notices from a group here and there. Looks like elgg still has some work ahead.
@Devel95 the steps were (see my post) :
3) go to the admin->community menu and run the init process (dont forget to complete the subfolder field) - refresh your browser and see if you get a blank screen
4) replace the /engine/lib files from the elgg16 folder of the plugin + the simplecache/view.php file + the /engine/start.php file - refresh your browse and see if you get blank screen
It seems that you didn't do the step 3 and that you did the step 4 partially ......
You have to do all this files replacing before refreshing your browser. What you have done leads into a situation where elgglib manage multisite version of simplecache as /engine/start.php and simplecache/view.php manage the standard version of simplecache. Secondly if you dont run the init process, multisite wont know that you are running elgg under a folder ..... This surely wont work anywhere else :)
This is a stable release runing on several other installations, but it needs to be implemented carefully at your side.
Let me know if you need some help
Sorry Fabrice. I keep following the steps at http://community.elgg.org/pg/plugins/fabcol/read/329499/multisite-beta-233-for-elgg-15-and-elgg-161
Your step "3) go to the admin->community menu and run the init process" above seems to be step 9) and step 10) in the installation procedure on your plug-in page. Hence, I never get there if you know what I mean.
There are too many installations steps and procedures scattered about for this plug-in. Knowing to get the right steps from this community post rather than taking them from the plug-in install steps page might be asking the installer for a lot ;)
Might I suggest putting them in 1 place and, while you are at it, again I will remind you that step 6 and step 7 call for adding rows to tables where they actually are columns. :)
Ok, I'll give it one more shot, but my supervisor did check in with me this morning and told me to back off the project and forgo multisite capabilities at this time. (Being a bit stubborn, and having rolled back to vanilla v1.6.1 so much that I am a pro at it, I am giving it one more shot -- then I have to move on).
I'll post my progress here shortly.
Hi guys : Some of you are testing the 2.3.3 version, on my side i am busy to bring some ehancement to get more security in the going from one site to another process. I am now using a md5 encryption. This is already running on the demo site : http://www.nouvelleagora.com/sandbox
I'll wait a few days to see if i get some feedbacks about any bug, and then i'll release a final version of the multisite 2.3 (will be 2.3.5 i guess)
Please until then let me know about any pb you meet.
(a) restored my ../elgg/ directories to the way they looked prior to all various Multisite Beta installs
(b) disabled event_calendar plug-in (only 3rd PTY plug-in installed)
(c) can log in as admin and as a user
(d) unzipped multisite beta 2.3.3 folder on my local machine
(e) uploaded multisite folder to mod directory and enabled plugin
(f) remained logged in as admin -- no white screen yet
3) navigated Administration > Communities setting page and ran "Init multisite" process (dont forget to complete the subfolder field)
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