I have just uploaded the new version of the multisite plugin.
It includes some bug fixing and a few new features
The major one is the implementation of a full local admin role :
- Local admins now have the same permissions than the admin on the groups and objects of their community. (update, delete)
- A new gatekeeper function is introduced for actions that can be used by admin and local admins : multisite_admin_gatekeeper()
- Local admins now get an extra menu on users profile pages and icons, similar to the admin one, that allows them to ban/unban, edit details, reset password, make/remove localadmin
I already use this plugin in productions sites. But i better say that you need to test it on your own installation before running into production. I hope not but there should be still a lot of situations that i have never been into and which could lead into problems.
Thanks to Chrisn Deon and the others who have reported bugs and sometimes solutions for the previous version
Thanks to Alivin for his work on elgg1.6 and his ideao to allow users to switch from a community to another without relogging
the file is there - Please follow instructions on the readme file to install it
And again, please, share your questions and experiences on this forum
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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@Perrylang .... it seems that your css is not taken in account and i cant say anything about the login loop
Its a clean installation..did you unlog and relog before activating multisite and was it working ?
You can change the name of the mutisite plugin file to deactivate it a see if the pb comes from it ...
i am on line on skype if you need some help my ident is fabrice.collette
It seems that no one can access the plugin file when i restrict the access to the group ...... i uploaded it again there http://community.elgg.org/pg/plugins/fabcol/read/327398/multisite-beta-23-for-elgg-15-and-elgg-161
and left it public for the moment so you can access to it
Fabrice, you are correct. I think this has been an idiocy in Elgg's groups for a while. The whole permissions thing doesn't totally make sense.
Thank you Fabrice. I just migrated my site to 1.6 and was just about to look into the multisite. I will install and of course get back to you any bugs that crop up. Will be busy, busy later.
Installed and configured. Remember that my site is under another folder and not the root. Am I running into the same issues as last time? When I login it redirects me to this site url
Hi Fabrice,
thanks for the new release.
About "local" admins, in my installation users are "global", so a local admin should not modify/delete a global user. Is this new feature configurable or deactivable in your new release?
I'll have a deep look in you code in this week and merge your enhancements with the ones I added since my last release.
To avoid this in the future, can we adopt a platform like Sourceforge or Google Code in the near future?
@Deon and all : login to r1.multielgg ..... this is something left from my test machine ... i just upoaded a new cleaned version. You can get rid of this by disabling line 32 in start.php
//register_action("login",false,$CONFIG->pluginspath . "multisite/actions/login.php");
@Deon alone . You havent really told me if the subfolder patch was ok :) it it is, just use your la multisite.php file and please post the code of the multisite_switch_site function in multisite.php so we will be sure of a patch that works for elgg installation in subfolders
- localadmin : in this version user can't be deleted by localdamins but they can be edited. If you want to disable all the localadmin's right on user, you need to invalid the two lines tagged as "// Extend profile menu" in start.php, or you can go to the file user.php in views/default/multisite/menu and suppress the options that you do not want to use
- Sourceforge : thats an idea, let me set it up
Good morning Fabrice.
Now that I see you have your latest release of multisite, I am installing it now and I look forward to testing it.
Q: in your install instructions you state "6) add a new row to your river table, call it site_guid (bigint)" and "7)add a new row to your system_log table, call it site_guid (bigint)".
I assume you actually mean adding new columns vs. adding rows. Correct? Otherwise, I am not sure what you mean by these 2 steps.
I assumed the 2 new adds to be columns and not rows so I moved forward (see my post above).
When I open my elgg install with MultisiteBeta2.3.1 in a browser (http://myDomain.com/elgg/) I get a white screen.
Anyone else getting this? Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks Fabrice that commented line fixed that issue.
The code for the subfolder worked fine. Just so everyone knows the original issue was when you create a community and your site is under a subfolder the community links all point to the main site (e.g. register, lost password). This code allows the links to properly point to the community site instead of the root site. Replace the function in the multisite.php file under the engine/lib folder if your site is installed in a subfolder of your root domain.
@Fabrice - I am having another small issue. When I create a new community I keep getting an extended domain name even though under the initmultisite it doesn't have the www. Example: Create a test community and the URL ends up as test.www.example.com/subfolder. What it should be is test.example.com/subfolder
Thanks again
@Deon, thanks for your feed back, i finally made some test on my side and it seems that this patch doesn't work as it should be :) I just uploaded a new version, that should work fine with subfolder's installation. Please could you intall it and let me know (it should solve the "www" pb too :))
@Devel95 i dont know about the white screen ... try to disable the multisite plugin to see if the pb comes from there. As i can see you are running Elgg under a subfolder, so you need the version i just uploaded to do this
The new version is there http://community.elgg.org/pg/plugins/fabcol/read/329256/multisite-beta-232-for-elgg-15-and-elgg-161
Note : this version also correct a forward to "www".domain.com which works on my sites (type http://www.domain.com) but not on site with url like http://domain.com.
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