If you know about the internet marketplace, then you know how important these events are for building your business. i'd love to hear what people think about this.

  • We have Elgg Camps on occasion.  The next one is in Buenos Aires November 19th.  http://elgg.org/events/

  • I am quite interested in such events. But is not feasible for me at least. It would be great if there may such events some where in india.

  • You can always host your own!  Pedro Prez and his company is hosting Elgg Camp BA.

  • @iZap - Tarun, you guys in IN have a large-ish geographic spread.. N, S, E, W.. ;) You all might want to get together with the bigger elgg hitters (Kerala, Moombai, Delhi, Kolkat...) and see what co-ordinated events you could put together within same time frame for say 1, 2, 3 major cities. I am sure the Elgg Team will be able to provide some style of involvement also. e.g. Pedro's done the B/A event, but Brett Profftt will be there. You can always post some pix of the most beautiful nearby N.E. hills area to entice him..;)

  • I'll be interested in participating in an ElggCampNY.   Are there organizations in the NY/NJ area that can help facilitate?  I had a great time at ElggCampBoston earlier this year.

  • @Alex, NY near bridges.. hate the traffic ;( a little further south plz ;)

    Primary aspect of organizing such events with regard to geographic spreads might be not knowing who's located where ( we have a "location" field on profile, but not mandatory, not pulldown ).

    If one knows the cities around which higher numbers of Elggsters are clustered, may be able to determine locations where people do not necessarily need to do large distances.

    Could Brett do a little query on the Community DB and publish report ?

  • ;-) Hey, I remember your trek up to Boston - quite a hike so I understand.  Sounds like DC/VA area, or even southern NJ (Atlantic City) may be a good middle for the Eastcoasters?

  • If the camp meetings will offer technical and business information, I'll be there next year.

  • What seems to be needed is....
    more participation by those who are interested in different aspects of ElggCamps, knowledge sharing, etc, etc.
    Boston was g-o-o-d.. I made quite a few connections, met interesting people, hearndf interesting ideas and views, made some new friends...

    I wonder if we should set up hroups for *regional areas so that people can register and speak of their interests in creating "ElggCamps@X-Region" and hopefully have people who are in that region come up and talk.

    What I do take for granted is that "someone" from the Elgg Team will be there to push and encourage things along... They've done already for Paris, BA. etc...

    What the rest of is need to do.. is.. stand up and be counted ;-)

    10 measly posts here so far... does *not indicate any *real *interest...

Feedback and Planning

Feedback and Planning

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