Utilizing phpunit testing in elgg to write custom test and test classes just like in bundled plugins

I want to know how to unit test classes. When i attempt to create test case and use any class. This code below doesn't work because my class wasn't found. But that's how other plugins done.



namespace Elgg\HeyloSP;


class SampleClassTest extends \Elgg\TestCaseUnitTest {
    public function testHello() {


But when i do this code, it works.



require_once getcwd() . '\mod\heylo_system_partnership\classes\Elgg\HeyloSP\SampleClass.php';


use Elgg\HeyloSP\SampleClass;


class SampleClassTest extends \Elgg\TestCaseUnitTest {
    public function testHello() {


Is there a way to make a testing just like the bundled plugins? 

  • Look at this.

    BTW, TestCaseUnitTest is a legacy class.

  • Thanks for the help! I find it funny that it didn't work my classes when i dont implement PluginTest trait and call


    function to work on the classes.

    This is the result of my new testing unit code

    namespace Elgg\HeyloSP;


    use Elgg\Plugins\PluginTesting;


    class SampleClassTest extends \Elgg\UnitTestCase {
        use PluginTesting;


        public function up() {




        public function down() {




        public function testHello() {