I installed Elgg 3.3.16 via composer on CentOS 8. I made sure that permission for /path/to/data directory is set to 750 and owned by Apache. I have been set up Elgg for several versions but have not encountered this error Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache::buildFileSystemDriver before. I even set the /path/to/data permission to 777 (very insecure), the mentioned error still exists.
I saw a lot of discussions regarding permission issues with data directory but not specifically for buildFileSystemDriver case.
Has anyone faced similar issue when configuring/installing Elgg 3.3.16?
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
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- seri_ng@seri_ng
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
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- seri_ng@seri_ng
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- Jerome Bakker@jeabakker
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- seri_ng@seri_ng
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
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- seri_ng@seri_ng
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You must log in to post replies.1 - Be sure, you use the recursive option:
2 - Check your Elgg config folder:
where www-data is your server's name
@Nikolai. Did you mean 'chown' not 'chmod'?
I was quite positive that I recursively set the ownership of the /var/data directory. I didn't exactly use the 'chown -R www-data:www-data /var/data/'. Command I used were:
find /var/data -type d -exec chown www.data:www.data {} \;
find /var/data -type f -exec chown www.data:www.data {} \;
The /var/data was already owned by the www-data. But after changing the owner of /var/www/elgg-config directory to www-data, the issue still exists.
I faced issues with file/directory permissions before. But after correcting the owner of the /var/data directory, this directory is readable/writable. I wonder what else causes this error.
I think the best bet is that a subfolder of the data path isn't writable.
Have you tried Nikolai's with `chown -R` suggestion? Permissions of 750 should be enough.
Maybe have a look at http://learn.elgg.org/en/stable/appendix/faqs.html#wrong-path-for-data-directory
That was also my bet.
I did 'find /var/data -type d -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;' and 'chown -R www-data:www-data /var/data' as Nikolai suggested. But the same problem still exists. Even with the permission issue for /var/data directory, I have no issues viewing pages (Files, Blog, Activity, etc.) on this server. If this might help with debugging.
I have several servers running Elgg 3.3.x and have no issues with data directory permissions. I compared them with this server. They have the same permissions and correct owner. My next bet would be SELinux.
Thanks Jerome!
Look at this reply. There's the links to similar issues with SELinux.
As always you can use search ;)
Thanks Nikolai for the SELinux discussion link. You've been spoiling us with useful links. That's why sometimes we forget about search functionality ;)
I hope my bet is correct :)
It seems to be the SELinux that restricts the read/write permissions. I set SELinux to the permissive mode for testing and the 'Cache path is not writable' error is gone.