I am sorry for my english because I am french and I use google trad.
I am currently testing elgg and find it very interesting.
I found a post that explains how to integrate ckeditor in The Wire (mod \ thewire \ views \ default \ forms \ thewire \ add.php .... Change: 'input / complaintxt' On: 'input / longtext')
But now the published messages appear in HTML in the wire (<p> <a class = "elgg-anchor etc ..)
How can I no longer see the html tags?
thank you so much
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
Nikolai Shcherbin - 0 likes
- Vangardis@Vangardis
Vangardis - 1 like
But I encountered the same problem for the "reply" I modified mod/thewire/views/default/thewire/reply.php echo html_entity_decode ($ post-> description); at the end of the file. It seems to work perfectly, I hope I didn't make any mistakes.
- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain
Nikolai Shcherbin - 0 likes
- Jerome Bakker@jeabakker
Jerome Bakker - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.The goal of The Wire plugin isn't allow to appear the mentioned HTML special chars.
I'm afraid that with the CKeditor you will not be able to solve this issue.
Or you'll need to create separate input/output files for this.
I don't know nothing about the filter content config in the CKeditor but TinyMCE has it and this helps us very well.
Try to search this feature in the CKeditor documentation.
You also can use:
option like as in the comments.
Hello, thanks for the reply. On my side I did some tests and I found a solution that seems to work.
in the file mod/thewire/start.php
I modified the function function thewire_filter ($ text)
I disabled the $ text = preg_replace for the links and added as a function: return trim (html_entity_decode ($ text));
The Wire now displays the html perfectly.
You can change only start.php instead of 2 files or more.
Just add this in thewire_save_post() function:
Or even:
Keep in your minds, all your hacks will be lost after updating Elgg in next release.
So, best way is a creating your custom plugin.
@Vangardis please keep in mind http://learn.elgg.org/en/stable/guides/dont-modify-core.html
If you modify files directly in Elgg core those modification will be lost when you update. You can make a plugin with the modifications you need that way your hard work won't be lost on an update.
For example you could overrule the add form view http://learn.elgg.org/en/stable/guides/views.html#overriding-views
PS: mostly if there is an 'input/longtext' you want to output using 'output/longtext' this makes sure you don't see the HTML code. In your case have a look at https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/blob/01f00125e6b4fa068b38cda61980405360df539b/mod/thewire/views/default/object/thewire.php#L30 and modify it to (in an overruled view):