Hey Kevin,
Could you point me in the right direction - where to customize the look/feel of the profile shown by the flexprofile plugin, for example: /pg/flexprofile/lirantal
It's currently (by default) shown with a white background and a bolded field name followed by a new line with non-bold field value. I'd like to customize this view to look more like the profile page itself with the grey odd/even divs.
That plugin is so huge on source code and views that it's burried somewhere there and I was hoping you could tell me where the file that holds that view may be found...
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- Liran Tal@liri2

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- Trajan@Trajan

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- Liran Tal@liri2

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You must log in to post replies.@kevin ?
Could you also add to the next version the 'wide tabbed' option to be available in the profile as well? (it's only available now for groups).
@Kevin - hi I would also like to play with the design a bit. I was looking in the views/default/profile/userdetails.php file and found the following:
<td colspan="2">
if ($form) {
if ($form->profile_format != 'tabbed') {
if ($data['bottom']) {
echo '<div id="profile_info_column_right">';
foreach($data['bottom'] as $item) {
echo '<b>'.$item->title.'</b>';
echo '<br /><br />';
echo $item->value;
echo '<br />';
I tried to play around with it thinking it was the layout. But changing it seems to have no effect on layout.
Making the changes is not a problem for me, the problem is that I want to benefit from future upgrades to this plugin and doing changes in this module will prevent me from safely upgrading to the next version.
Kevin - will you take patches to style up the layout?
How about putting the code in a google code/sourceforge repository?
It will for sure benefit from my developments as well as from others.
I have a quick question about calling on a profile page's owner. I have modified the original profile fields so I can set my own, but when a user goes to a friend's profile, he can't see the friend's profile information. I can set it so the visiting user can see his own information regardless of who's profile is being looked at, but I can't figure out how to get the profile fields of the page owner to show up instead.
I've tried:
$vars['user'] and $vars[guid']
and perhaps a few others...
Any ideas? Much appreciated! :)
where can i change the layout on the tabbed profile fields??
i tryed "views/default/profile/userdetails.php" but when i changed the file nothing happend in the output on tabbed profile?